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Ford BA/BF Falcon Tissue Box Replica

This free template is designed to be printed on A3 card (or 300-gsm paper minimum) and will allow you to build a replica of the original Ford Australia BA/BF Falcon tissue box.

These Kleenex branded tissue boxes have long been discontinued, but all BA/BF Falcons still have a tissue box holder integrated into their dashboards which is now redundant.

Thankfully, you don’t need to search high and low or pay hundreds of dollars for a rare original tissue box. Instead, have this template professionally printed at A3, and then carefully cut it out and assemble using the instructions provided in the video above.

This box can be “opened” and loaded with real tissues (150mm wide maximum) like those found in Kleenex Soft Packs, however I would personally recommend leaving the box empty/unopened for a cleaner look once installed. Or get a few printed so you can create both versions and have some spare! In Aug 2020, Officeworks charged me around $2 per print.

Simply download the PDF, put it on a USB drive and take it to Officeworks. Tell them you’d like it printed on A3, on the thickest paper they have available. This should be “300GSM” paper. Refer to the video above if you need any tips on assembling it!

**MotoringBox provides this template free of charge, and is not associated with Ford Australia. V2 of this template has the tissue manufacturer branding removed at the request of the brand owner. This template or any tissue boxes created from it must be for your own personal use only, and not be sold or distributed for profit**

In the future I hope to locate a Ford tissue box so I can scan the original artwork and update this template. All feedback and improvement suggestions are welcome in the comments below – and if you found this helpful please consider subscribing to MotoringBox on YouTube!


  1. Now my question does the 04 fairlane of the same holder? as im buying a fairlane in a few days and needa know if it go a spot or not as ill make one if it has it?

  2. Great job we let our box of unopened tissues go with our XR6 turbo have always regretted it ,now we can make one for our FPV Typhoon R Spec.. Thanks Mate . Steve.

  3. Bloody good onya M8, Ya blood is worth bottling. Thanks for the time and effort, AND, thanks for US saving a lot of “Silly” dollars 2B spent on an original one off eBay. Crazy bloody price that was. If and when we may or may not catch up, will buy you a bear or whisky just to say thanks bloody heaps.

  4. I no longer have a BA, upgraded to an FG MkII XR6 a couple of years ago. The slot in it is rather similar except it doesn’t have the power outlet.
    I will have a go to see if I can make one for it and (hopefully) produce a template.

    My wife has a bad habit of dropping used tissues on the floor so I need a little bin for that -perhaps on the side of the console or under the front edge of the passenger seat. Any suggestions?


  5. Mate you are a star. My Son and I have the original unopened boxes from our BA XR6’s but love your template and the end result it will provide

  6. V2 of this template has the tissue manufacturer branding removed at the request of the brand owner.

    I can’t find V2????

  7. Hey mate awesome idea. if it isn’t too much to ask but if you could possibly redesign the ford logo for an FPV logo think it fit well in my f6

  8. Ford Territory SX & SY has same tissue slot. Sorbent has released tissue box SLIM PACK 50 tissues. Fits exactly and costs $1.20 – Foodworks stores stock them not Coles or Woolworths

  9. Ford Territory SX & SY has same tissue slot. Sorbent has released tissue box SLIM PACK 50 tissues. Fits exactly and costs $1.20 – Foodworks stores stock them not Coles or Woolworths

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